<aside> đź’ˇ On this page you will find out more about what kind of work you will do during JVA



The curriculum is build to maximise our students’ entrepreneurial self efficacy. To do so, they are exposed to a learning environment characterised by a high degree of ownership, team work, entrepreneurial problem solving.

The curriculum takes you through the structured journey of starting with a problem statement and using various design thinking methodologies to arrive at a solution which solves the problem for a given target user. Students are supported by weekly input lectures and exercise sessions held by venture experts and are further matched with a startup coach, who will provide individual team feedback for your project.

Develop your own ideas and have real world impact!

You are keen on realising your own ideas with a team of motivated fellows? Great!

During the Startup Bootcamp, you will get the freedom to work in a team of 3 students with different study backgrounds and select a problem you would like to spend the next 3 months developing a prototype for. Don’t know how to approach this? No worries - our curriculum consisting of lectures, exercises and frequent expert feedback will ensure that you get guidance to keep going.



The Startup Bootcamp is made up of 5 learnings components: Lectures, Exercises, Individual work, Presentations and Coaching. Together they require about 10 hours per week of time spent by each fellow to get the most learning and progress for your project.

Here’s an explanation of each of the components:

Your greatest entrepreneurial challenge = your greatest learning curve

Think back to your greatest learning experiences in life (school, projects, relationships etc.). Ever noticed how these learnings come from times of great passion but also commitment and struggle? This program will be no exception. While this might be one of your most challenging and ambitious projects yet, it will also be one of the best opportunities to further your professional horizon and build valuable skills with exciting people! If you are looking for a relaxed and easy way to get to that level of learning, then this program is unfortunately not what you are looking for.

Curious how the last JVA Startup Bootcamp Cohort went? Check out our Spring 23 Report:

Spring Report.pdf